We are a specialist provider of adult services, focused on supporting people with complex medical and care needs as a result of injury, illness or disability.
Adult Services
Nursing, at Home
Who can avail of the Services?
We are an approved provider to the HSE for complex homecare and disability services across all 9 Community Health Organisations (CHO’s) within the HSE.
We also provide services directly to families who are funding their own services privately.

What Services are Provided?
Nursing (as well as PA and HCA) services to people in their own homes.
People who may need lifelong support or for a short period of time
People who are technology dependent and require nursing support
(Ventilator, tracheostomy)
Supporting people with acquired injuries (people with spinal cord injury acquired brain injury) to return home from hospital and rehabilitation centres
Providing home nursing care as an alternative to admission to a nursing home
People who require complex wound care (e.g. VAC), a long course of antibiotics post surgery and people using non-invasive ventilation e.g CPAP
Facilitating safe discharge from hospital to home
Why Resilience Healthcare?
Ireland’s only homecare provider who focuses solely on supporting people with complex medical needs.
Our CEO, Olivia Sinclair has given her career to supporting adults with complex needs to return to live at home.
Olivia has with her a very experienced Nurse Management team, who deliver home based services across Ireland.
A Clinical Practice Specialist and Nurse Tutor who trains our nursing teams with bespoke NMBI approved community nursing courses. We also have a Clinical Risk Manager in post.
Access to staff through our own HR dept and also through our sister company TTM
(one of Irelands largest healthcare recruitment companies)