A service user receives a little gift that says it all.

A small child may not have the words to tell you how they are feeling, but they can draw it. They may not be able to express something that is important to them – but give them crayons and you’ll see it loud and clear! One of our Advanced Community Care nurses experienced this in action just recently – and it brought home to her how community nursing gives you tangible evidence of a world of difference our support makes.

Nurse Sarah* is an Advanced Community Care Nurse who nurses Aoife* – a little girl who uses a wheelchair and has specific needs. After careful planning and consultation among her medical team, it was agreed that Aoife was ready to start school – and she embraced Junior Infants with enthusiasm.

If there were doubts as to how Aoife would manage this challenge, they were put to rest when one of her classmates gave her a little picture she had drawn: a colourful image of Aoife holding hands with her classmates.


As Sarah explains “Obviously we worry about how the children we support will ‘fit in’. But when I saw the drawing I could see, right away, that to her friends – Aoife was ‘one of the gang’. It was a simple gesture, but it said Aoife was included, accepted, and loved. It’s just beautiful to see – and so, so rewarding for us nurses and obviously for Aoife’s family too.”

This really brings alive the importance of the hard work, dedication, and support of our Advanced Community Care Nurses, and how their care and love can change a life. As highly specialised nursing care provided within a family home or community setting, Advanced Community Care is often described as ‘nursing at its best’:

“It makes me so happy that this picture tells me we’re getting it right!” says Sarah.


*The names of the individuals concerned have been changed to protect their privacy.