An Information Support Evening for Young people with an Intellectual Disability or Autism, and their Families

Resilience Healthcare hosted our very first Information Evening in Ennis and Tralee this November, to support young people and their families as they look to transition from school to adult Day Services.

As an innovative health and social care provider, Resilience Healthcare truly believes in developing services that put individuals and families at the centre. Through our services in the community we support over 400 people across Residential, Outreach, Day Services and Home Nursing Services.

Resilience is proud to have been early adopters of the New Directions model of Day Services, focused on Personal Support Services for Adults with Disabilities. Following internal discussions, we decided to provide not just an information evening but a visual pathway of the process that each service user and their family could take away and use as a toolkit for the start of this transition journey.

Hence the concept to host a bespoke event, that was both informative and interactive.

Resilience | Disability Day Services

The engagement from families in attendance was a big factor in the successful outcome of the event. Resilience were also delighted to have the support of the HSE’s Day Service Opportunity Co-Ordinators and officers across the events.

Resilience | Disability Day Services

Lars Schabelski – National Community Development Coordinator, Catherine Grey – Business Development Executive, Shauna Dineen – Community Service Coordinator, Cathy Moynihan – Community Services Manager, Breda Lane – Community Service Coordinator, Michelle Rowan – Community Coordinator


Maria Kirby, Resilience Clinical Services Manager, delivered a presentation to support families and service users both emotionally and practically, providing advice and tools for families to take away from the night.


School leavers often face difficulties in making a smooth transition from school to college, employment or more broadly to adult life. The transition phase can be traumatic for the young person and their families as it can result in the loss of friendships, relationships and social networks. However, what helps at this time is the preparation from school for moving on, gaining information about the process from services and managing our worries about the future

HSE Day Service Co-Ordinators presented on the referral and profiling process in the HSE.

Operationally, Lars Schabelski, Resilience National Community Development Manager, along with his community services co-ordinators, provided a clear breakdown of how Resilience link in with the HSE team and service users during the assessment and transition period into services.

Both nights ran beyond their allotted time due to lots of families staying onto chat informally with both the HSE and the Resilience team, which was very positive to see. With nearly 30 families in attendance over both nights, and a questioning but engaging atmosphere, Resilience Healthcare is excited to start planning for similar events in 2023.

Resilience | Disability Day Services