Who we are
Resilience is a fully Irish owned health and social care provider and was founded in 2011. It is headquartered in Ennis, Co Clare. Resilience provides services across most of Ireland under two divisions:
Advanced Community Care – providing home and community
nursing services
Social Care – residential, shared care, outreach and day services
to people with disabilities.
Quality, safety and reliability are Resilience’s foremost priorities. Key elements of our robust governance arrangements to achieve these include:
Committed Leadership
Resilience is an Irish owned Independent health and social care provider. The Board of Directors ensures that Resilience are managed effectively.
The Managing Director of Resilience, Laura Keane, reports directly to the Board of Directors. She is both a clinician and a highly qualified and experienced health services manager, and she has promoted a culture of person-centred, high quality, person centred service delivery, underpinned by robust clinical governance. She is supported by an experienced senior management team, as outlined in our management team structure.
Quality Assurance
Resilience uses the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare 2012 to guide our delivery of high quality and safe homecare.
Resilience is a registered provider with the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA). We have registered services that have been inspected and deemed compliant with the regulations/standards for residential services for children and adults with disabilities. Whilst these regulations do not apply to home-based services, it demonstrates that we are an approved provider of services for children and adults with high support needs and operate in compliance with the relevant regulations and standards. Many of these are equally applicable to the provision of home care to people with complex medical conditions.
Resilience have achieved a ‘Committed to Excellence’ Award from the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). The EFQM Excellence Model provides a holistic tool for assessing how effective organisations are in developing and delivering a stakeholder focused strategy and recognises those companies that achieve and sustain superior levels of performance in relation to meeting the expectations of their stakeholders.