Through our Advanced Community Care Division, we provided home Nursing Services to now over 120 children and adults with complex medical needs and their families
Our Mission
To be resilient, persistent and do things differently, creating positive impact for the people we support and the world around us.
Our Strategy – 3x10x
Our 3X10X strategic plan is to grow the number of essential services we provide by 3 times and to have 10 times the positive impact on the world around us.
Our approach to increasing positive impact is underpinned by the four HAVE pillars:
H – Happy places
Happy places means happy people so we focus on providing a happy environment for the people we support and the people we employ.
A – Accessibility for everyone
Accessibility for all, for the people we support to access their community and opportunities to their fullest, while also ensuring an inclusive environment for our diverse employees and potential future employees.
V – Value in our community
Creating value and connections in the communities we operate in, giving our expertise, time and money.
E – Environmental urgency
The actions we are taking now to make big and small changes in how we provide our services and the impact this has on the world around us.