Resilience Healthcare is Ireland’s specialist provider of Prader Willi Syndrome services.
Current Services
We provide specialist residential services to people with Prader Willi Syndrome in two world class services, in Enniscorthy, Co Wexford and Monasterevin, Co Kildare.
We have also opened the world’s first ever specialist respite service for both children and adults with PWS, which we were delighted to be chosen to provide by the HSE. This exciting new service will provide individuals the opportunity to enjoy a much needed break away without the worry of managing any difficulties associated with their PWS while giving families/carers a break also.
Coming Soon
Our third specialist PWS residential service will open in Cork in early 2025.
World Class
Our PWS services are developed following extensive world wide research we conducted.
We travelled to Germany, Denmark and the UK to visit and study in-depth, experienced PWS specialist providers. This was done with families and members of Prader Willi Syndrome Association of Ireland (PWSAI). Additionally, we had learning workshops with PWSA UK, researched global best practice, consulted deeply with people with PWS and their families and engaged with global experts to secure training for our teams.
Our expertise in PWS
Our PWS services are currently led and Coordinated by Lynsey Moorehouse (RNID, BNS). She is the Regional Operational Manager for our PWS Services. Lynsey is currently the Irish caregiver delegate for the Prader Willi Syndrome Association of Ireland. Through her work in the area of PWS, Lynsey has developed world wide relationships with other caregivers. This worldwide collaboration and shared learning have contributed to the PWS specific model of care we currently offer. Laura Keane, CEO of Resilience Healthcare currently sits on the board of the International Prader Willi Syndrome Organisation.
Our support teams are trained specifically in PWS and can recognise and support service users emotionally, physically, cognitively, behaviourally and socially. Our Clinical Service Team work closely with the frontline team to ensure that the needs of each individual are met to promote health and well being, increased independence and overall quality of life.
This includes:
- Dietician who can assess and provide advice on calorie-controlled meals and weight management programme.
- Speech and Language Therapist who assists with social stories and communication strategies
- Positive Behaviour Support model led by experienced Behaviour Support Team, who provide advice, training, support and mentoring the support teams in particular around assessment and understanding the function of behaviour and development of Behaviour Support Plans.
- Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist to provide supports and guidance with mobility issues, sensory integration, exercise programmes, activities of daily living programmes, environmental assessments etc.
Some design features of our service:
- Environment – designed to support specific needs of people with PWS, including in relation to food security.
- Individual bedrooms / apartments with en-suite facilities. There are also general areas such as sitting rooms, activities room and a gym.
- Person Centred Services with tailor made support plans and person centred planning to enable people with PWS to receive consistent support and achieve their goals and wishes and reach their potential.
- Mental Health and Well Being such as psychological supports, counselling, health and wellness with structured programmes for fitness and leisure.